Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ryan Adams and the Cardinals: Cardinlology

Tantrums, drugs and alcohol fueled Ryan Adams previous albums, no doubt. The cleaned up Adams is clearly evident throughout Cardinology. The common sounding theme in every track is country rock meets classic rock.

Adams kicks off the album with “Born into a Light”, a mid-tempo, yet, catchy tune where he prays for friends and himself to get through tough times and” For everyone alone I wish you faith and hope/ And all the strength to cope/ To be your own best friend have confidence and keep the faith”. Next in line is “Go Easy” is a heartfelt love song littered with southern-rock hooks. “Magick” picks up the pace with a familiar ‘raw garage rock out session’ feel; with lyrics like “You’re like a missile strike/Government goes underground/Warhead on legs/What goes around comes around”.

The last half of the album slows down and eventually closes down and almost brings you to tears with “Stop”, a solo piano and Adam’s fragile voice weeping through lyrics about his battles in rehab “I know a sickness/So ancient and cross/ No crucifix/ Could ever fix enough”

The album keeps relaxed vibe but Adams has never sounded so rational. Blame it on sobriety or blame it on growing up. Ryan Adams has brought new light to his one of a kind sound.


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