Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ra Ra Riot: The Rhumb Line

Lyrics delicately branch off a classically strung trunk and The National sounding drums lure you in for the pleasantly surprising indie rock band Ra Ra Riots 2008 release The Rhumb Line. While this album may be the bands way of coping with the drowning death of their drummer John Ryan Pike they are recovering with grace. Opening track Ghost Under Rocks throws you for a loop when it starts out with an incredibly low and weeping cello thumping when a tight and steady drum beat shows up on the scene. The balance between classical instrumentation and ‘Vampire Weekend like’ modern day rock melodies is effortlessly blended throughout this entire record. If you were walking in the spring with new flowers in bloom Winter ’05 would probably be playing in the background. The short strums of the violin and beautifully toned voice of Wesley Miles holds your hand the whole way through ‘if you were here then Id have a choice to live not being alone”. Just when you’re lulled into your special place, Dying is Fine pumps out a high tempo and chirping yet heavy electric guitar. 80’s throwback synth is slightly nauseating when memories of big hair, eyeliner and pale skin come flooding back in the most alive track on the album Too Too Fast but mid-song it somehow redeems its self with a heavy rock out. Now your dreaming your at an Irish carnival with this fun waltzy tune Suspended In Graffa complete with crashing symbols. While the music itself is endearing and is sure to grab your attention, the lyrics aren’t as interesting and easily blend into the sound.


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